We offer a number of courses and seminars. Listed here are upcoming events as well as past events. You can purchase access to these events below.
Upcoming Courses
Previous Courses (Recorded Video Available)

Supporting Health and Happiness Since 1977
Donna Eden started teaching Energy Medicine classes in the late 1970s. Since then, her work has touched millions of people across the globe, introducing them to the healing and restorative power of their body’s own energies.
Her approach hit a cultural nerve, a hunger in people to take charge of their own health and healing through simple techniques that could be easily applied. Donna’s husband, David Feinstein, began to collaborate with her in bringing Energy Medicine into the world. With her daughters, Titanya Dahlin and Dondi Dahlin, and their partners.
Today, this small family team is at the hub of a large and growing movement that has become one of the bright lights in holistic health.
Discover Your Underlying Energetic Blueprint to Improve Your Relationships and Transform Your Health.
One of the World’s Oldest Systems for Understanding the Energies in the Human Body Can Provide Powerful Guidance for Overcoming Problems in Your Personal Relationships, Health, and Career – Even If You Have Struggled With Them Your Entire Life.
FREE 60-Minute Class.
The Weight Class 2022
Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine methods have shown to be powerful tools in helping people reach their happy, healthy weight. Join Donna and 2 highly acclaimed energy experts, Madison King and Kim Dowdell, as they empower you with 38 tools and techniques designed to move you to the right weight for you.
Are you struggling with your weight?
Do you feel dissatisfied and a little down every time you look in a mirror? Maybe you don’t wear shorts or dresses anymore because you don’t like your legs, or maybe you feel like your belly is too big and try to hide it under oversized clothes.. Or maybe it’s your chin. Or your butt. Or…
You might long for a time when you fit into your favorite jeans and you felt good in your body – energized and ready to go. Maybe even sexy.
Becoming Radiant
Energy Techniques for an Extraordinary Life Develop an Inner State of Joy That Will Fuel a Life of Purpose, Renewed Health, Happiness, and Wonder! This 7-week course is designed to give you a Radiant Circuits experience so you can start creating your joyful state now.
Just do the techniques and before you know it, you will start to feel lighter, more hopeful, and even a sense of gratitude for whatever is going on in your life.
Living the Five Elements
Discover Your Underlying Energetic Blueprint to Improve Your Relationships and Transform Your Health.
One of the World’s Oldest Systems for Understanding the Energies in the Human Body Can Provide Powerful Guidance for Overcoming Problems in Your Personal Relationships, Health, and Career – Even If You Have Struggled With Them Your Entire Life.
FREE 60-Minute Class
The Essentials of Energy Medicine
Everything You Need to Optimize Your Body, Mind, and Spirit is Already Within You Right Now.
The Essentials of Energy Medicine is a 12-week home-study program that empowers you with essential and powerful energy tools to activate your self-healing abilities.
Beginners should start here!